
6th Annual Classic Legends

A Charity Golf Shindig benefiting Outdoors for All

Thank you to everyone supported and stayed around for the group photo.

There’s a fallen cherry tree that lays peacefully to the looker’s right side of the first tee box at the Green Lake Pitch n Putt. It may or may not have once bore fruit exuberantly devoured by golfers waiting their turn on hole #1 but on this warm, late August evening in 2018, that sad little tree was startled when a golf ball slammed into it’s side. Given it’s position in relation to the tee, it’s very possible this was a first. You can read more about what happened next at the inaugural Classic Legends Charity Golf Shinding HERE.

For the sake of the story, however, I set this stage not to burn my great friend Parker but to honor him… fast forward to July 18, 2024 which marks the *6th annual Charity Golf Shindig at the Green Lake Pitch n Putt. Parker has been attending each year and admits, “This is the only time of year I play golf.” 

He’s mid round after at shotgun start as he steps to his “favorite” tee box #1, surrounded by friends and spectators buzzing on Aslan beer, June Shine Kombucha and Big Marios Pizza. Do any of them recall his horrific slice in 2018? I sure did!

What happened next will certainly never be forgotten. Now to be honest, I didn’t see the shot, I only heard the roar but all I can imagine is Parker addressing his ball, pitching wedge in hand, eyes closed, focussed, visualizing. 

As the story was told from witnesses it appeared to be a great shot, nice high loft with a slight fade headed directly for the green. The ball landed soft, folks held their breath, leaning in as if physically rolling with the ball. 

The roll was slowing as the ball approached the pin, then, dropped out of sight! The crowd erupted, beers went flying and Parker, “Had no idea what happened.” Hahaha!

Parker and his lucky Titleist 13

There are many charity golf events each year but this one is unique, it’s humble, it’s quaint and it’s spectator friendly. We encourage folks of all ages, skill level and backgrounds. We’re limited to 50 golfers but beyond that the hope is to build a gallery where families and friends come to reconnect with one another and even make new friends. 

This year, as in each year prior was sold out, in total nearly 100 people attended with a shared goal to enjoy a great evening while raising money for Outdoors for All. I’m proud to announce that we once again raised more than the year prior, $4,858.03 to be exact. 

The winners (and me) with their custom trophy designed by Seattle’s House of Sorcery

Shout out to the winners Andrew Leith and Eric Reisinger with a team score of 25! Very stoked already for next year, hope to continue the trend of increased attendance and fundraising!

Take care,

– Peter Mullenbach

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